Hard Grove 5K I Run4Hunger
When: Sunday August 25th
Where: Liberty State Park – 1 Audrey Zapp Drive Jersey City
Please join us bring your friends and family on Sunday, August 25, 2019 for the Hard Grove Charity Run/Walk . Proceeds to benefit Community Food Bank of New Jersey. The state’s largest anti-hunger and anti-poverty organization. Working together with volunteers, donors and our many partners, they fill the emptiness caused by hunger with Food, Help and Hope. Do not miss the opportunity to become a part of the solution to HUNGER..
Hard Grove 286 First Street JC NJ – After race brunch cash bar/menu available.. .. Guarantee the after brunch party will be enjoyable !! As you sit in the patio listening to music , eating great food while making new friends..
RACE DAY Registration and Kit pick up on site Liberty State Park 8:30 am.. The 5K Run begins at 10:00AM . Tee shirts available until supplies last. This race will be scored using a chip timing system.